Alternate ProxThink Site Launched on for Mobile and Backup

I’m launching an alternate ProxThink site on mainly for two reasons. One, as an interim mobile site. Two, as a backup for the content on the main ProxThink site. An additional benefit may be that this new site is more direct and more accessible, so learning the proximity thinking framework might be easier. (ProxThink is a proximity-focused framework for creativity, innovation, problem-solving, sustainability and living. For more, see our home page)

Mobile – I’ve realized that making the main ProxThink site fully mobile-optimized will take some time. Any WordPress site is instantly mobile-optimized. I can move the most important content from the main site much faster than I can make the main site ready for mobile.

Backup – It occurred to me that something might happen to me, like an accident. What if I could no longer maintain the ProxThink site and/or pay the hosting fees? Other people might not step up to do that. Luckily, with, I can create a site that will stay up! I plan on moving core things like the Basics, the ProxPatterns and the Growth Model here. Instances of terms and concepts may not be as heavily interlinked to their corresponding pages as on the main site, but all the same text will be here.

An Additional Benefit – In the process of making this site a slimmed-down version of the main ProxThink site, with all the most essential parts, it’s starting to feel like I’ll end up creating a site that might be more accessible in terms of learning the framework. You’ll be able to get to things more directly.

Transition Status – On this blog I’ll update the status of how much of the main site I’ve moved here. Below are some previous entries I had on a site page, but from now on I’ll post them here on the blog.

2013.08.20 – I finished moving all the text from the Basics section. Instances of terms and concepts may not be as heavily interlinked to their corresponding pages as on the main site, but all the same text is here. And at least the first instance of each term or concept on a page is linked to the page that defines it.

2013.08.17 – I’ve only just begun, and started to move the Basics section.